Samsung and AT&T have announced an upcoming availability of Samsung Flight A797, Samsung Flight A797 features, like Bluetooth, an MP3 player, and a full QWERTY keyboard that slides out, a la Palm Pre. Other details are scant, and the lack of a D-pad is a bit disconcerting, but hopefully Samsung plants TouchWiz 2.0 in this thing, so the end result might be worthwhile.
- 2 megapixel camera and full HTML web browser
- Stereo Bluetooth technology
- Compatible with AT&T Navigator
- AT&T Video Share
- AT&T Mobile Music with Napster Mobile and eMusic Mobile
- One-touch access to shortcuts, favorites and messaging, including SMS and MMS, IM and Mobile E-mail
- Available in red and silver color
Samsung Flight (A797) available at AT&T stores at a price of $99.99.