Monday, February 2, 2009

Reverse Cellphone Lookup - How to Find Out the Owner of Any Cellphone Number Fast!

Are you trying to find out who owns a cellphone number? Maybe you found a cellphone and you want to track down the owner. More likely you might think your significant other is cheating or you might be getting prank called. These are great reasons to use a reverse cellphone lookup to find out who owns the number. Here is how to do it.

You will need the complete cell number including the area code to complete your search. You need to get this number from the phone of your significant other, your phone, or in some other way like from the bill. There are many ways to get the number and don't be fooled by it being saved as a contact. A guy might save the girls number he is cheat on you with as another guy in his phone just in case.

Now that you have the number the hard part is over. Just go to a reverse cellphone lookup directory and type the number in. For no cost they will tell you which company the cell phone belongs to and what state it is from. This will probably not do you too much good, so it is important to get more information.

For a small fee, you can get the name of the owner of the cellphone, the billing address, and even more if you want. You will have the choice of how much information you want and how much you are willing to spend to get it. Once you are armed with this information you can confront your significant other or the person that has been pranking you and put an end to the worries and the pain.

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